HGP Releases its July 2020 Semi-Annual Health IT Market Review

July 15, 2020

Healthcare Growth Partners is pleased to release our Semi-Annual Health IT Market Review.  Our semi-annual report summarizes M&A and private equity activity across health IT, health information services, and digital health. This edition of the report includes feedback from our survey of private equity professionals and their response to COVID-19, as well as an overview of trends seen in the first half of 2020 including COVID-19’s slowdown of the financial markets, digital health IPOs, investment activity, and mergers and acquisitions. The report leverages the Healthcare Growth Partners database to evaluate M&A and investment trends, valuation multiples, and capital markets activity across the health IT, health information services, and digital health sectors.

The Semi-Annual Report includes the following:

  • Overview of COVID-19’s Impact on Health IT M&A and Investment Trends
  • Results from HGP’s Private Equity Survey Covering COVID-19 and Health IT Investing
  • Health IT Market Analysis
  • Health IT M&A and Investment Activity
  • Health IT Valuation Trends
  • Macroeconomic Trends

Download the complete report here. To stay in the loop, drop your name and email in the sign up form at the footer of this page or in the footer of www.hgp.com.  As always, please let us know if you have any questions or comments.

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